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About House & Home: Vision Boards, Ice Rinks & Fun with Fondue

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  from Diane Schmidt
I don't know about you, but the winter is beginning to drag on a bit too long. My friends tell me that the only way to get through the drab days is to: 1) make future plans 2) have fun outside and 3) eat chocolate fondue.

In the Spotlight
Create Your Own Vision Board
I've never been good at planning my future. But I did start my own vision board. Of course, it was pretty empty except for the picture of a house on the beach and a plane to take me there. It wasn't until I checked out this article that I found the inspiration to plan, develop and rearrange my future. The days are starting to brighten already.

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How to Build a Backyard Ice Rink
I grew up playing hockey with my older cousins on a frozen pond a mile from our house. When there was a full moon, we'd often play long past our curfews, that is, until our parents came to fetch us. There's something magical in skating outdoors under a star-filled sky that makes one thankful for those cold, dark January days.

Have Fun with Fondue
I could live on fondue. Seriously. I'd eat it every single night if I could convince my husband that we can live just on cheese and chocolate and warm French bread.

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Is Your Hound in the Doghouse?
Managing Dog Behavior Problems
Understanding common dog behavior problems like barking, biting, and chewing is key to handling them appropriately. More >

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