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About House & Home: Eliminate Holiday Debt

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  from Diane Schmidt
I vowed to cut my holiday spending this year, but as usual I think I overspent, especially on gifts for relatives who aren't usually on my list. I haven't looked at the credit card bill yet, and I know that's the first step in eliminating my holiday debt, but I need a little inspiration, like seeing my third cousin Raymond wear that Irish fishermen's sweater until he develops holes in the elbows - just so I know it was all worth it.

In the Spotlight
How to Eliminate Holiday Debt Quickly
Oh, that's exactly what I need: a no-nonsense, easy-to-follow plan to get rid of my debt load quickly. Next year, I think I'll start this plan before the holidays, like in June or something. That way I might have time to knit that sweater myself.

           More Topics
Get Motivated to Create a Budget
Motivation could be my undoing. It's hard to stay on budget now that the cold, dark days of January have set in. But these tips on staying motivated will keep me on track, even though I've devoured every last bite of what used to be my motivational tool - chocolate.

Save Money & Stay Inspired with Garden Catalogs
I know it'll be easier for me to start paying down my debt and staying on budget if I can look forward to something - like the summer garden. Garden catalogs are easy on the budget (i.e., free!), plus I can start planning just how much money I'll save by growing my own vegetables and starting my flowers from seed. A perfect green remedy for those post-holiday blues.

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