วันพุธที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Celebrate February's Special Days

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  from Diane Schmidt
When most of us think of February we usually recall cold winter storms, cut-out red hearts and the hope of spring to come. But there are other things that are special about this month (besides my birthday!), ways to celebrate that will make you glad to turn the calender to the shortest month of the year.

In the Spotlight
Celebrate Candlemas Day
Huh? I'd never heard of Candlemas Day until I read this informative article and discovered that there's more to celebrate in February than the fact that the most recent snowstorm somehow bypassed your home.

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Plan a Super Bowl Party
I'm not a huge football fan, probably because I grew up watching hockey, but I am a fan of afternoon get-togethers, yummy food and passionate outcries of support for players on the television screen. So, even if football isn't quite your thing, throwing a party for friends and family is a great excuse to celebrate the month of February.

Celebrate Romance with a Hot Tub for Two
Hot tubs for two...need I say more?

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Is Your Hound in the Doghouse?
Managing Dog Behavior Problems
Understanding common dog behavior problems like barking, biting, and chewing is key to handling them appropriately. More >

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วันพุธที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Vision Boards, Ice Rinks & Fun with Fondue

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  from Diane Schmidt
I don't know about you, but the winter is beginning to drag on a bit too long. My friends tell me that the only way to get through the drab days is to: 1) make future plans 2) have fun outside and 3) eat chocolate fondue.

In the Spotlight
Create Your Own Vision Board
I've never been good at planning my future. But I did start my own vision board. Of course, it was pretty empty except for the picture of a house on the beach and a plane to take me there. It wasn't until I checked out this article that I found the inspiration to plan, develop and rearrange my future. The days are starting to brighten already.

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How to Build a Backyard Ice Rink
I grew up playing hockey with my older cousins on a frozen pond a mile from our house. When there was a full moon, we'd often play long past our curfews, that is, until our parents came to fetch us. There's something magical in skating outdoors under a star-filled sky that makes one thankful for those cold, dark January days.

Have Fun with Fondue
I could live on fondue. Seriously. I'd eat it every single night if I could convince my husband that we can live just on cheese and chocolate and warm French bread.

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Is Your Hound in the Doghouse?
Managing Dog Behavior Problems
Understanding common dog behavior problems like barking, biting, and chewing is key to handling them appropriately. More >

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วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Learn Something New

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  from Diane Schmidt
If January leaves you feeling a little deflated, why not research a new career, take up a new hobby or maybe even start a new business?

In the Spotlight
Learn About Architecture Online (and Free!)
I once took a course on Gothic cathedrals, thinking that an in depth knowledge of flying buttresses and nave arcades would lend me an air of mystery at dinner parties. What I found instead was a deep appreciation for the architecture around me, and now when I walk through the city, I tend to see things that would have escaped me before.

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Learn How to Quilt
I just inherited a quilt from my Aunt, who inherited it from my Great Grandmother. It's incredibly detailed, with patterns so rich and stitching so fine, I am in awe of the patience, skill and love that my Great Grandmother must have put into its creation. It's made me realize that quilting is more than just a hobby, it's an art: one that can inspire and provide comfort to successive generations.

Learn How to Start a Flea Market Business
Growing up, our neighbors started their own flea market business. They were both history teachers who were tired of the classroom, so instead they used their love of the past to build a very prosperous future.

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Feeling Under the Weather?
Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Eliminate Holiday Debt

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  from Diane Schmidt
I vowed to cut my holiday spending this year, but as usual I think I overspent, especially on gifts for relatives who aren't usually on my list. I haven't looked at the credit card bill yet, and I know that's the first step in eliminating my holiday debt, but I need a little inspiration, like seeing my third cousin Raymond wear that Irish fishermen's sweater until he develops holes in the elbows - just so I know it was all worth it.

In the Spotlight
How to Eliminate Holiday Debt Quickly
Oh, that's exactly what I need: a no-nonsense, easy-to-follow plan to get rid of my debt load quickly. Next year, I think I'll start this plan before the holidays, like in June or something. That way I might have time to knit that sweater myself.

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Get Motivated to Create a Budget
Motivation could be my undoing. It's hard to stay on budget now that the cold, dark days of January have set in. But these tips on staying motivated will keep me on track, even though I've devoured every last bite of what used to be my motivational tool - chocolate.

Save Money & Stay Inspired with Garden Catalogs
I know it'll be easier for me to start paying down my debt and staying on budget if I can look forward to something - like the summer garden. Garden catalogs are easy on the budget (i.e., free!), plus I can start planning just how much money I'll save by growing my own vegetables and starting my flowers from seed. A perfect green remedy for those post-holiday blues.

Sponsored Links
Feeling Under the Weather?
Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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