วันพุธที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: End of Summer Edition

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  from Diane Schmidt
As we head into the last week of August, summer is beginning to fade along with my tomato plants, the once vibrant green patio chairs and the summer highlights in my hair. As much as I hate to see the season end, you can send it off with a bang (not a whimper) with these great tips from our Home and Garden Guides.

In the Spotlight
Preserve the Harvest
I have enough tomatoes to sink a passenger ship. In fact, it's so bad that whenever someone sees me approaching, tomatoes in hand, they run screaming. And the neighbor kids call me "Tomato Lady". I guess that's why they invented canning.

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Host a A Labor Day, End of Summer Party
Not many people like Labor Day. It's probably because life returns to normal the next morning. Kids go back to school, parents return to work and the summer becomes just a faded memory. But it doesn't have to if you take my advice and host a end of summer party. Of course, you know what I'll be serving: tomato soup, grilled tomatoes, baked tomatoes, fried tomatoes...

Refinish A Wood Deck Before Winter
We once moved into a house where the previous owners had let the back deck fend for itself against the winter snows. It lost a few steps and some boards rotted away. I felt bad for the deck, never mind that we couldn't use it once summer arrived. So do yourself a favor and refinish the deck while the sun still shines.

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วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: The Back to School Edition

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  from Diane Schmidt
Yes, it's that time of year again. The smells of pencils, erasers and new backpacks are in the air. For me, it brings back memories of first day jitters, of wearing new fall clothes that are too hot for early September weather and the taste of squished peanut butter sandwiches that had spent too much time in my locker.

In the Spotlight
Back to School Decor
If you want to motivate your child, one of the best things to do is to create a study space at home. This may sound dull, but it doesn't have to be. Instead, you can inspire creativity, enthusiasm and concentration. And you can do it all on a budget.

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Essential Back-to-School Gear
When I was a kid, we carried our books in our arms. Of course, we only had a couple to contend with. Nowadays, it seems like kids have to read an entire cannon which has to be dragged home each night. Prevent injuries and make sure your child is properly prepared with this great guide to back-to-school gear.

Save Money on Back to School Supplies
I still love back to school shopping. I often linger in the pen aisle at my local grocery store or try out the scented markers when no one is looking. But I'm always taken aback by the price-tag. Of course, you don't need to experience sticker-shock, especially if you refer to these handy tips on how to save money on back to school stuff. I wouldn't leave home without it!

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วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Host a Feast , Cook Outside & Keep Bugs Away

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  from Diane Schmidt
This week's newsletter salutes the last remaining weeks of summer with tips on enjoying the bounty of the harvest (even if it's a few cherry tomatoes from your container garden), ways to cook outside without using the barbecue and natural tips to keep the bugs at bay.

In the Spotlight
A Summer Harvest Feast
My garden is overflowing with veggies. I can only freeze or can so much. Instead, with help from Donna, the Guide to Entertaining, I've decided to host a neighborhood feast. It's a great way to celebrate the end of summer, to have one final outdoor party before school starts and to ensure that everyone enjoys the bounty of the harvest.

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Design Your Own Outdoor Kitchen
A friend of mine is determined to build a pizza oven in his backyard. It would be a nice change from a barbecue and there's nothing like the taste of wood-oven pizza. So, I encouraged him to check out David's article on outdoor cooking spaces, including details on how to build your own brick oven. How cool is that?

Natural Insect Repellents
We've spent a bit of time in this newsletter talking about bugs that bite and sting and while it's just a part of outdoor life, it doesn't mean that we have to forgo a nice night on the beach just to save ourselves from itchy bites. Instead, go natural and try these great suggestions from About's Guide to Green Living.

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วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: August in the Backyard

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  from Diane Schmidt
I feel like there's only one more month left of summer, and as much as I love the fact that my tomatoes are ripening, the beans are ready to pick and the lawn has stopped sprouting dandelions, I'm not quite ready for it all to end. So I'm spending as much time as I can outside, enjoying all the fruits (or vegetables) of my labor.

In the Spotlight
August in the Garden
I usually think of August as harvest month, when most of my veggies are ready for the dinner table. But it's also the time to start thinking ahead. Check out Marie's advice on August garden tasks so you can prolong the colors and tastes of your garden, while prepping for next year's abundance.

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Start Planting Your Fall Vegetables
I've never been a fall gardener, which seems crazy since we live on the West Coast. According to Colleen, About's Guide to Organic Gardening, I could be enjoying a whole host of fresh veggies If I would just forgo the lounger in favor of my garden gloves.

Patio Design Ideas
It's not too late to start enjoying your outdoor space. Just last week we finally got around to purchasing a new patio table that doesn't tilt to one side and new outdoor lights that allow us to linger a little longer. In fact, it might be the perfect time to redesign the patio, taking advantage of all those end-of-summer sales.

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How to Choose the Right Dog for You
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Age, size, and activity level are all important doggy characteristics to take into consideration. How did your dog become part of the family? Click here to share the story.

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