วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Remedies for Summer Stains, Bites & Itches

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  from Diane Schmidt
I really hate winter and when I announced this to my cold-loving friend the other day, she reminded me of all the summertime things that bite, sting and itch. I protested loudly, but then I surveyed our medicine cabinet and noticed that the shelves were stocked with bug spray, sunscreen and bottles of calamine lotion. Okay, so maybe winter isn't so bad after all?

In the Spotlight
Get Rid of Sweat Stains
I admit it. I sweat a lot. When I complained to my doctor, she said it's good for me. It might be good for me, but not it's not so good for those nice white shirts that I love. That is until I found this great home remedy for getting rid of unsightly sweat stains. Now, I'm back in white.

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How to Remove a Tick
My father-in-law called me the other day to say that he'd found a tick in his leg. He'd never had one before and was lost about what to do. Being a former farm-girl, he thought I might know how to proceed. My rural roots didn't help much, but working at an animal shelter for two years did. Rule number one, don't pull it out! Rule number two: read this article.

Natural Remedy for Poison Ivy
For some reason I'm immune to poison ivy. Once, on a canoe trip, I accidentally used it to dry my hands. Of course, I'd also given a few leaves to my husband to use. Needless to say, I had to solo-paddle back to base camp with my husband brooding in the front. So, not only would this remedy cure poison ivy, but it could also prevent someone from having to sleep on the couch for a week.

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Who's the Cutest Cat of All?
Vote for the Cutest Cat
About.com's Cutest Cat contest now has 12 furry semi-finalists of all shapes, sizes and stripe. Click here to see their photos and vote for your favorite.

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วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Getting Good Deals in a Down Market

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  from Diane Schmidt
Everyone says that a down market is the perfect time to find good deals. While I agree, I still think there's some wiggle room with the reduced prices able to deflate just a little bit more. Find out how to haggle, negotiate and create greater wealth in your life with these tips from our Home & Garden Guides.

In the Spotlight
Learn to Haggle for Antiques
I was never a great haggler until I traveled through Central America on a very tight budget. After four weeks on the road, I was haggling for everything including my breakfast, hotel rooms and some great antique earrings from a small rural market.

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Look Twice at Overpriced Homes
When looking for a home to buy, most of us overlook the high-priced houses thinking that they're way out of our budget. Turns out there might just be a sweet deal lurking behind that high price. Elizabeth is your Guide to finding, and negotiating for, an overpriced home.

Strengthen the Money Area of Your Home
Maybe before you begin to haggle, negotiate and seek out some great deals, take some time to check out this great article on how to increase wealth in your life with some easy to follow changes to your indoor space.

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Who's the Cutest Cat of All?
Vote for the Cutest Cat
About.com's Cutest Cat contest now has 12 furry semi-finalists of all shapes, sizes and stripe. Click here to see their photos and vote for your favorite.

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วันพุธที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Hot Weather Safety Tips

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  from Diane Schmidt
Living on the West Coast, hot weather tends to be rare. But just because our temps don't reach record highs doesn't mean that we can ignore the power of a summer sun and the inclement weather that often follows excessive heat.

In the Spotlight
Protect Children from Burns on Hot Days
Our warm weather here on the West Coast means we often spend long days outside, and because cool ocean breezes seem to lessen the intensity of the sun, we forget to seek shade and respite from the heat. But summertime burns can be a thing of the past if you follow these easy tips.

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Hurricane Safety Tips
Growing up in the mid-west, summertime meant tornado season and while hurricanes present different challenges than tornadoes, keeping your home safe remains the priority.

Warm Weather Safety for Dogs
Hot weather can be hard on pets. Unlike humans, it can be difficult to tell if they're dehydrated or suffering from heatstroke. Use these suggestions for keeping your dog safe in the summer sun.

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Kitten's First Six Weeks
The Most Important Time of a Cat's Life
See photos and learn how a kitten grows and changes during these first crucial weeks of life. Already a kitten expert? Click here to take a short quiz.

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วันพุธที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: DIY Outdoor Summer Projects

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  from Diane Schmidt
It's summer. It's hot. The cold lemonade and outdoor lounger are calling your name, but before you answer, check out these free videos for easy, do-it-yourself projects that will add value to your home while still allowing you to enjoy the summer sun.

In the Spotlight
Seal and Protect Your Deck
I'm really bad at keeping our deck protected. But this year, after noticing that it was impossible to walk bare-footed across the wood slats without having to retrieve a few hundred slivers afterward, we knew it was time to re-seal it. So put away the tweezers and check out this guide to protecting your deck.

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How to Install Garden Drip Irrigation
I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow, and while I know it'll be good to get away, I'm a little concerned about my veggie garden. Well, actually, I'm very concerned about it. My husband doesn't mind watering, it's just that he tends to forget to do it and is only reminded when a neighbor mentions how brown the tomato plants have turned. It's time to install a drip irrigation system.

Build a Stone Patio
I never thought I'd ever build my own stone patio even though there's a large bare patch in our backyard that screams to be covered in smooth, cool stone. After watching this video, I'm convinced that even I could turn this backyard eyesore into a garden oasis.

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Cats Photo Quiz
Boy Cat or Girl -- Can You Figure it Out?
Think you can tell a boy cat from a girl cat just by looking at a photo? It may not be as easy as you think: even gender-based color patterns can be misleading. Click here to take the quiz.

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วันพุธที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Birthday Bashes, BBQs and More

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  from Diane Schmidt
Who doesn't like a birthday party? Cake, ice cream, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and funny hats. This week, both Canada and the US celebrate another year of getting older, so it's a perfect time to dust off the barbecue (if you haven't used it yet), buy some balloons and streamers and gather together friends and family for a birthday bash where you can have fun without having to worry about the number of candles on the birthday cake.

In the Spotlight
Host a July 4th Party
Ah, summer. Potato salad, corn on the cob, lemonade and an old fashioned barbecue. Need I say more? Find recipes and more right here.

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Outdoor Decorations for a Festive 4th of July
With many of us watching our budgets this summer, staying home for the holiday is a good option. But just because our backyard doesn't seem as exciting as a trip elsewhere doesn't mean that we can't spice up our outdoor spaces with some cool and inventive decorations that will add to the festivities.

Fireworks Safety and Loud Noise Phobias
I really do like birthday celebrations (as long as it's not my own), but I'm probably one of the only people I know who really dislikes fireworks. Dogs, on the other hand, usually agree with me, especially if they are sensitive to loud noises. Find out how to keep your pooch safe during this year's celebrations.

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Cats Photo Quiz
Boy Cat or Girl -- Can You Figure it Out?
Think you can tell a boy cat from a girl cat just by looking at a photo? It may not be as easy as you think: even gender-based color patterns can be misleading. Click here to take the quiz.

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