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About House & Home: Plan a Summer Road Trip

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  from Diane Schmidt
Summer vacations start this coming holiday weekend with people traveling to the cottage for the first time all year, driving to see distant relatives or simply heading to the local park for a picnic. Even if you're not planning a big get-away, summer still requires that you take some time off, relax and make plans to enjoy the freedom of the road.

In the Spotlight
Get Your Car Ready for the Road
My husband just announced that he wants to do a road trip this summer. I'm hesitant, just because it seems every road trip we take, something happens to our mode of transport. We were once stranded on a deserted back country road, with the closest lodge a Bates motel right out of Psycho. We spent three days there and I didn't shower once.

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Take Your Pooch on the Road
Traveling with dogs can be a lot of fun if you've done enough research, found places to stop along the way and dog-friendly lodgings whose owners don't keep their mothers locked in the attic.

Top 10 Travel Activities
I think the most terrifying phrase one can hear, often shouted from the backseat of a moving car after just an hour on the road, is: "I'm bored!" Ugh. If you're not a fan of earplugs, it's a good idea to plan activities before you even map out your route. There have been lots of road trips cut short by those two tiny words.

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