วันพุธที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: How to Have a Super Super Bowl

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  from Diane Schmidt
I'm not a big football fan. I'll even admit that I don't understand the rules. Regardless, I usually invite friends and family over for the big day. It's a great excuse to get together, eat and sit for an entire afternoon. Gotta' love that!

In the Spotlight
Super Bowl Party Menu
My favorite snacks are usually stress-free and easy to make. But just because I prefer to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen, doesn't mean that the snacks can't upstage the game.

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10 Rules for Stain Removal
Football Game + Yummy Food + Excitable Adults = Laundry Stains. Do I need to say more?

Prepare for a High Definition Super Bowl
My uncle just bought a gigantic HD TV. Even though he bought it so he could host the game this year, his small home won't accommodate the entire family. Instead, he's hired movers to bring the TV to our place. My husband is hoping that this temporary fix somehow becomes permanent.

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วันพุธที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: White House Facts

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  from Diane Schmidt
No matter where you live, everyone's caught up in inauguration fever. Friends, who never considered watching the changeover of power, took the day off work to ensure they didn't miss any of the festivities. A Canadian friend said she called into work sick, claiming she had a fever. She just failed to tell them that it was inauguration fever. And I don't think there's a pill for that.

In the Spotlight
12 Things You Didn't Know About the White House
I always thought that the White House was always called that. I didn't know that the President's home went by several different names before one finally stuck. It's a bit like going through grade school. You just always hope that a better nickname comes along before the bad one sticks.

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Don't Let Politics Interfere
Like most of us, I have friends and family who stretch across the political spectrum. This can sometimes lead to confrontation. And even though things sometimes get heated, I'm thankful that we feel free to share our opinions and that, at the end of the day, friendship overrides all else.

Who Will Be The Presidential Puppy?
What will be the breed of choice for the newly sworn-in president and his family? A member of my family voted for a low maintenance variety that doesn't require daily walks or ball tossing activities. Of course, that vote came from our cat who shuns any animal whose description includes the word "loyalty".

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วันพุธที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Take Up a New Hobby

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  from Diane Schmidt
My creative pursuits have always involved projects without a lot of complication. I tend to get bored easily and move from project to project without always completing what I started. So this year I vowed to take up projects that require more time and patience. I've also listed my projects on our family bulletin board next to the report cards. My husband has already given me an "F" for the hand-knitted hat I promised him for Christmas.

In the Spotlight
Free Quilting Patterns for Beginners
I've only completed one quilting project on my own, and I think my sister has relegated the blanket to the back of the closet. I questioned her about it recently and she told me that I should take up another hobby instead. But I won't be dissuaded. This article has given me hope!

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Easy Knitting Patterns Even I Can Make
I started knitting with a community of women on my street. I still struggle with a few stitches and I'm often the one selected to run to the cafe for lattes and muffins. They blame it on the fact that I'm a few years younger than the rest of the group members, but I'm sure it's because I tend to unravel more than I knit.

Woodworking Plans for Everyone
A friend of mine is big into woodworking so whenever I take on a project that involves felled trees, I keep his phone number on speed dial. But I might not need to use it if I follow some of these inspiring woodworking plans.

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วันพุธที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Make the Most of After Christmas Sales

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  from Diane Schmidt
After the holidays are over and the gift-giving has ceased, shopping is usually the last thing I feel like doing. But then stores start posting those billboard sized ads that scream "75% Off!" and I'm lured in despite my promise to cut up all remaining credit cards. What's a girl to do?

In the Spotlight
Make the Most of After-Christmas Sales
Our neighbors celebrate Christmas a week late. They still do all the festivities, but just a few days after the fact, saving them over a thousand dollars on their gift purchases. Of course, their son complained that he'd been given a pink iPOD while their daughter received a pair of the latest, coolest jeans, except she'll have to wait to wear them; they're two sizes too big.

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Study Architecture Online - For Free
I'm all for free stuff, but usually free stuff comes with a hefty price tag like the time my husband and I sat through a two-hour sales pitch just to receive a "free" car rental for a week. Well, this list of free courses from schools like MIT comes with absolutely no strings attached. Just log in, sign up and increase your brain power. Amazing!

Create a Happy Home
This is the first time in a long time that our family has stayed home for the holidays. We'd planned a road trip, but the nasty weather resulted in mountain pass closures and all our plans were canceled. At first we were disappointed until we realized that we could just stay home. And it was wonderful. It made me truly appreciate our home and how good I feel in our space. There's no better gift than that.

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