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About Home: Ways to Save on Your Heating Bill

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Where I live, the nights and mornings are finally chilly forcing me to switch on the furnace for the first time. As the temps continue to drop, I can't help but worry about our winter heating bill and wonder how I might cut down on energy usage. To help, this week we've pulled the best articles on how to do just that - save money while still staying toasty warm.

15 Ways to Save on Your Heating Bill
From our Frugal Living Expert comes an extensive list of ways to save money on your next heating bill. With ideas I hadn't even thought of before (did you know you should minimize bathroom fans?) and tips I knew but had never really acted on, I now have the information we need to keep our home warm without a steep increase in our heating bill.
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Efficient Ways to Heat Your Home
My office is on the first floor of our house, next to the garage and laundry room. In winter, it's always freezing and while I used to turn up the heat to blast away the cold, I've used this guide to purchase an efficient and effective space heater. Now, my room is cozy warm without a huge impact on our heating costs. Perfect!
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Winterizing Your Home
Probably the best way to save money on your heating bill is to ensure your home is ready for winter. While a few of these tasks require calling in some outside help, many can be done yourself and this guide tells you how.
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Conduct a Home Energy Audit
While this tip is the last on our list, it should be one of the first things you do before the snow arrives. It's amazing to find out where you're using the most energy and how best to cutback. Best of all, this guide shows you how to do an audit yourself with tips and tricks of what to look for and where to find good resources all in one place.
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