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About House & Home: When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Every fall we battle with fall leaves. While they're pretty to look at, fun to jump into and wonderful to stroll through, they can be a pain to deal with. Around our house we take care of them in three stages: 1) Admire (mesmerized by their beauty) 2) Astonish (that our trees could produce so many leaves) 3) Abolish (get rid of them before our house disappears).

Best Way to Deal with Leaves
Growing up, the guy next door, who was usually a pretty cranky fellow, used to invite kids from the neighborhood to his house for a day of fall games. It was only when we became older that we realized his "rake up the leaves into big piles" was just a way of getting free labor rather than providing us with some outdoor fun.

Guide to Cleaning Gutters and Downspouts
My husband has a fear of heights. So every year I'm the one that must ascend the wobbly ladder to clean out the troughs. After reading this easy-to-follow guide, I think I'll use the "scoop and drop method" from now on, leaving my husband below to help. And if some leaves accidentally hit him while dropping to the ground, it may forever change my outlook on cleaning out the gutters.

Autumn Leaves Hand Soaps
Now don't get me wrong, I really do love fall leaves. It's just that I prefer to admire rather than abolish them. So using fall leaves in hand soaps that our guests can enjoy is a great way to keep their beauty alive while providing a more practical use.

How to Sell a Home in Autumn
Did you know that fall is the second best season for selling your home? If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The craziness of summer is behind us and the hectic schedule of the holidays has not quite hit. So if you're planning a home sale, check out these great autumn-selling tips.


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