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About House & Home: 10 Reasons Not to Buy a Home

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
I'm a big believer in lists. I make them all the time - on napkins, on old envelopes, and even on the back of my hand. I really don't know how people live without them. But rarely do I make a list of not-to's, which some would say are just as important as have-to's. So this week we're looking at some of the best not-to lists in our Home and Garden Channel, and we start with reasons not to buy a home.

10 Good Reasons Not to Buy a Home
Our family moves frequently, and because of that it's always a toss-up whether or not to buy a home when renting often makes a lot more sense. There are other reasons you should reconsider purchasing and it's good to know what they are before you make a decision that might not be right for you.

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Home Landscape Design
This is the go-to list of what not to do when designing your front or backyard. I'm guilty of mistake number one, three, four...well, let's just say that I need to keep this list tacked to my refrigerator door as a reminder of what not to do.

What Not to Do to Keep Your Cat Happy
Cats are funny creatures, ours in particular. One minute you can be petting them and they'll be purring and asking for more, and the next second you get a swat and a flick of the tail that tells you to stop torturing them. Give your kitty the love and attention they deserve by following this list of what not to do to keep your feline happy and content.

7 Ironing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
I'll admit it. I hate ironing. Usually my husband does it, but lately I've forced myself to take over the ironing duties as a way of teaching myself patience. So I was glad when I came across this list. It's helped me avoid those nasty ironing mistakes that used to be scorched into my husbands' shirts, mistakes that screamed: I hate ironing!


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