Hey there!
A quick heads up:
If everything is going swimmingly in your quest to build muscle, lose fat, and get healthy, this email probably isn't for you.
You just keep doing you. :-)
If you're less than thrilled with your experience or results in the kitchen or gym this year, however, read every word of it because I'm about to give you a golden ticket to the body you really want.
I know, I know, that probably sounds like gobshite hype to you (and that's good—you should be skeptical), but hold that thought for just a few minutes and let me explain.
A few years ago, I launched a 1-on-1 body transformation coaching service because I was receiving at least a dozen requests for it per week.
Even then "everyone" had a coaching service, and so I wanted to do something special—something clearly above and beyond the norm.
Specifically, I wanted to be able to take people by the hand and give them everything they need to build their best bodies ever—diet, training, and supplementation plans, exercise technique coaching, emotional encouragement and support, accountability, and the rest of it.
Moreover, I wanted to help my clients become self-sufficient so they didn't feel on the hook to stay with me forever. In other words, I WANTED my clients to be able to "fire" me and my team after just a couple months and have all the know-how and tools they needed to live happily ever after.
Well, as of today, my band of merry (and extraordinary!) coaches have "graduated" over 5,000 men and women of all ages and circumstances and not only helped them transform their bodies faster than they ever thought possible, but taught them how to become their own coaches and keep making progress.
For instance, here are just a few of our recent success stories:
—> Dave (36) did 9 months of my one-on-one coaching and lost 47 lbs, 15% body fat while he increased his whole-body strength: