วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567

Why You Should Blow Dry Your Candles

Candles not only make a home smell good but also add an element of warmth and coziness. However, maximizing a candle's lifespan is not easy, and it's a real bummer when you reach the end of your favorite candle.

February 19, 2024

Why You Should Blow Dry Your Candles
Candles not only make a home smell good but also add an element of warmth and coziness. However, maximizing a candle's lifespan is not easy, and it's a real bummer when you reach the end of your favorite candle. While burning a candle seems simple, there are actually many ways to ruin a candle, from tunneling and crooked wicks to soot build-up and uneven burns. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to fix these issues and keep your candles glowing longer. 
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3 Secret Tips to Save Big at Target
Did you know there's a whole community dedicated to saving money at Target? This goes beyond buying out-of-season Halloween candy or post-Christmas decorations for the following year — it's a whole world of savings tricks. Don't know where to start?
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How Often Do You Really Need to Wash Your Hair?
While washing your hair may be just a hum-drum part of your self-care routine, finding the right balance of how many times you should lather up each week can be tricky. Washing too much may dry your hair out, but not washing enough may leave your hair feeling and looking oily. Since there's no one-size-fits-all solution, here are some factors to consider when figuring out your hair-washing cadence.
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6 Garbage Day Mistakes You're Probably Making
When it comes to throwing out garbage, there are more categories than a game of Trivial Pursuit: food waste, cardboard, plastics, batteries, chemicals, and metals, just to name a few. While you may think you know all the tips and tricks, it's possible you are disposing of your garbage incorrectly without even realizing it.
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Are Gummy Vitamins Actually Good for You?
Pharmacies and drug stores are filled with vitamins and supplements in various forms, including traditional pills and chewables. While we often associate chewable vitamins — either chalky tablets reminiscent of Smarties or gummies in various flavors — with children, it's becoming increasingly popular for adults to take them, as well. However, are they as good as their flavorless, swallowable equivalents?
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