Because AOC wants a revolution over it, here is the full video of the crazed criminal who was put in a chokehold by a Marine on the NYC subway

The Marxists want a perpetual revolution, and comrades like AOC think they have more fuel for the fire with this video:
WATCH: The first woman to play NCAA Division I baseball threw out a pitch at Fenway Park and, well... 😂

Ladies, we can't survive without you and I'm sure this girl can play ball way better than most men, but when a video like this lands in my lap I have to show you because we need to be able to laugh at ourselves in these weird times.
This girl killed 2 people in a DUI accident and it's chilling how much she just doesn't care about the human lives she just ended

Okay, this is a bit of a negative story, but I think it says more about the downfall of our culture than we realize.
Anheuser-Busch is (finally) throwing Dylan Mulvaney under the bus in a desperate attempt to reassure investors

One of the iron rules of wokeism that corporations and CEOs have absorbed is this: You never turn your back on the LGBTQ. No matter the backlash, no matter the criticism, if you embrace a transgender influencer or gay advocate or someone similar, you have to stick with them no matter what they throw at you. It's just part of the game now.
Virginia's chief diversity officer: "Let's take a moment right now to kill that cow. DEI is dead." ✊

This is the most frightening video I have watched all year and it isn't even close. Check out the hero who saved this kid. 🙏👀

I feel like I need to issue a heart-attack warning here because this video had my chest pounding:
I think I may have just found the next great meme of 2023 ... check out this banshee screaming on the mic at San Fran's last Board of Supervisors meeting

This may be the most succinct summation of modern woke leftism I have ever seen in my life.
18-year-old Missouri man killed in golf-course shootout over laughing emoji reaction 😑

It all started when 20-year old Tanner Watkins changed his profile picture on Facebook to include his girlfriend.
A Texas assistant principal tried to stop a fight. The students filming it put her in the hospital.

An assistant principal at Westfield High School in Spring, Texas, tried to stop a fight between two students. When she rushed in between the girls, the mob of students filming the fight turned on her and brutally beat her.
Yes, legalized pedophilia is where this all leads

Amid all the talk about groomers, drag shows for children, and sexual curriculum in elementary schools, there's one question that is arising consistently in conversations about the direction of our culture: Is the normalization of pedophilia the next step on society's descent down the ladder to moral oblivion?