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Chuck Norris in a tank crushing cars while firing uzis? What kind of church is this??

Last weekend the Satanists were shredding Bibles for the glory of Satan at SatanCon in Massachusetts.
A message from Power Life Nutrition
Celebrity Trainer Unveils New Way to Stay Strong For All Americans - Without Exercise

Nobody likes getting older because our muscles become weaker, making the activities we used to enjoy more difficult to do. But what if you didn't have to get weaker? What if you could become stronger? "It's actually a lot simpler than you might think," Celebrity fitness trainer Tony Horton, who is 61, told us. "It's a method anyone can do that takes about one or two minutes a day." He says he's found a much more effective way to fight age-related muscle loss - that has nothing to do with exercise.
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This lady teases an elephant with a banana. Watch her find out what a dumb idea that was.

In another video shared by our favorite Indian Forestry Service guy, Susanta Nanda, we learn an important lesson about not teasing elephants with food.
The NY Times thinks they got Tucker Carlson because of this quote. They missed his entire point of repentance.

Tucker Carlson made a comment about how "white men fight" and the NYT thinks they've successfully painted him as evil incarnate because of it:
This guy asked people in Los Angeles, "Is it okay to be white?" ... the answers are shocking

So this guy did a social experiment where he walked the streets of LA and asked a simple question, one that would get Scott Adams canceled.
This lady has 5 ways to help your fat friends and none of them include telling them to move more and eat less

With friends like these, who needs enemies?
This is El Paso right now. Even CNN is stunned.

We have spent two years warning y'all about the border. Now even CNN is concerned.
Is this supposed to make me feel sympathetic about killing babies, CNN? Come see how sick the framing of this story is.

CNN is the worst.
Nikki Haley makes it clear that what she's after isn't the White House

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. Too much time, probably, since there's really only one explanation.
Watch this principal get the surprise of his life when he unlocks the school dumpster 😱

West Virginia's Zela Elementary School principal James Marsh was in for quite a surprise Monday morning when he unlocked the dumpster behind the school.
Whistleblower report: Chuck Grassley, James Comer say FBI has evidence that Joe Biden committed bribery with a foreign national as vice president 👀

Well, son of a B, it looks like the Big Guy engaged in some dubious quid pro quo over the years: