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Our End of Summer Flash Sale will wrap up in the next 2 days. Join the millions reading truthful, independent news today.
The Epoch Times endeavours to always provide truthful reporting, regardless of any government, corporate, or political interference. Why? Because without access to the truth, we can easily lose sight of what is going on around us. Without access to the truth, we won't be able to make quality decisions. Without access to the truth, like many countries of the past, we could eventually lose our freedoms and liberty.
And in light of everything that is happening in Canada right now — from record high inflation to dwindling supplies of fuel and food, from vaccine mandates to its adverse effects — having access to the truth is more important than ever. It is the key to make the right decisions for yourself and your loved ones.
An Epoch Times subscription is all you need to be properly informed. For only $1, get unlimited access to honest reporting and read what others won't report. Enjoy an extra month on us when you sign up today.
LAST CALL: This is our end of summer sale. Enjoy savings now before time runs out!