วันพุธที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Summer


From Christina Donnelly, your About Home Editor

Imagine it's 90 degrees...and you're wearing a fur coat. Just thinking about it makes me sweat (TMI?). It's so important to keep your pets safe and cool in the summer because they suffer from imposing summertime heat just as much as we do—and often, more so. Read on for simple ways to keep your pet comfortable—and safe—as the mercury rises.

Summer Safety for Dogs

Everyone knows that dogs love to spend time outdoors, especially with their humans—that's why dog owners have to be especially conscientious of their dogs' safety in warm weather. Dogs are susceptible to many warm weather ailments—from sunburns, to heatstroke, to dehydration—so pay attention to your dogs' behaviors when you're playing in the park on a scorching July day; heavy panting, excessive drooling or unresponsiveness can be signs of serious complications. If you're taking your pooch on lots of hikes, walks or for play dates in the park, be on the lookout for ticks, too.

Summer Safety for Cats

Whether you have an indoor or an outdoor cat, it's important to keep them cool and comfy in hot weather. Make sure your kitties have plenty of fresh water and a shady, cool spot for lounging, in order to prevent heatstroke. (The signs of heatstroke in cats include panting, anxiety, increased heartbeat and lethargy.) Less severe—but certainly ickier—summer ailments like fleas and excessive hairballs can make your cat really miserable, so read up on proper prevention and treatments to keep her comfortable through the season.

Summer Safety for Horses

Summer seems the perfect time to ride and work with your horse under clear skies, but hot weather can be a challenge for many horses—they're better equipped to deal with cold weather. Keeping your horse cool, controlling annoying pests and ensuring your stable has proper ventilation can keep your horse comfortable and healthy through the hot summer months.

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