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About Home: Refresh Your Home in 30 Minutes or Less

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From Christina Donnelly, your About Home Editor
Even if you have a jam-packed schedule, taking a few minutes each day to spiffy up your abode can make a huge difference. When I moved into my first place, I reserved Saturday mornings for hours-long clean-fests. Since then, I've found it's easier (and more effective) to clean throughout the week and reserve my Saturday mornings for bagels and—believe it or not—sleeping in. Check out our ideas and simply adjust them to your family's needs ... and the amount of stuff you have. Now, set your timer for 30 minutes and get busy!

30 Minutes in the Kitchen
The kitchen is basically the center of the universe in my house, so it makes sense that everyone's stuff accumulates there. I'm not talking about food, either: textbooks, paperwork, electronics, clothes—you name it! Lucky for me (and for you), it only takes 15 minutes to transform your kitchen from grimy to spic 'n' span. Keeping the kitchen organized and smelling fresh is half the battle!
Search Related Topics:  kitchens  organize your kitchen  30 minutes

30 Minutes in the Living Room
Does your living room look like a toy store exploded? Whether your kids' toys are literally everywhere or there's a layer of paper clutter, pet hair and clothing on your couch, we have everything you need to get your living room clean, organized and efficient. (Psst, these inspirational photos of gorgeous living rooms definitely help!)
Search Related Topics:  living rooms  30 minutes 

30 Minutes in the Bedroom
Your bedroom is supposed to be a calming, soothing oasis—not a home office/dining room/storage space! Transforming your bedroom is easy: take 15 minutes to clean up any clutter, keep your storage spaces organized and regularly wash your bedding. Do you feel relaxed yet?
Search Related Topics:  bedrooms  projects 

30 Minutes in the Bathroom
No one likes cleaning the bathroom—it's gross! But dedicating a few minutes each day to cleaning the commode can make the job much less painful. Clean your bathroom's surfaces daily; freshen up the space with new towels or scented candles; and make sure you have ample storage for all of those half-empty hair products. (Hey, I don't judge—I have an entire basket of almost-empty products!)
Search Related Topics:  declutter  clutter 

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