วันพุธที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Be Inspired with Our Free Online Courses

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
I'm a firm believer in lifelong learning. Maybe that's why I always seem to be in school, whether it's returning to finish a degree or signing up for online courses. My inspiration? My mother. She didn't have the opportunities I've had, so each time I enter a classroom, open a notebook, or complete a homework assignment, I honor her spirit and love of learning. And now you can also be inspired to learn something new with these online courses. Did I mention they're free?

Organize Your Home eCourse
This is the perfect course for anyone who needs some help organizing their home - like me. I'm forever wanting to get things organized but somehow only manage to tidy up and never tackle those more time-consuming projects. Well, with this course, you'll receive a weekly guide to organizing a specific area of the house with step-by-step instructions that will make organizing easy.

Feng Shui Guide to Love eCourse
Whether you're looking for love or wanting to enhance an already established relationship, this free five-week course on all things love will provide you with tips and suggestions for attracting and maintaining a healthy, vibrant partnership.

How To Sell a House eCourse
This is an invaluable course on all the ins and outs of selling a home that even second-time sellers will find extremely helpful. In just a short time, you'll learn all you need to know about the transaction, putting you in a better position to negotiate and navigate the sale.

Free Architecture Courses
If you've always wondered what the difference is between a craftsman and a colonial or you're the kind of person who loves to wander through old buildings and churches, fascinated by the flying buttresses or naves, then you need to check out this extensive list of free courses. Offered by internationally renown universities, you'll find everything you want to learn right here at the click of a mouse.
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Even couch potatoes can be ready for a 5K with just a couple months of training. Read more...>

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วันพุธที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Decorate Your Home in Brilliant Fall Colors

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Fall officially arrives this weekend and even though I'm a summer fanatic, I don't mind the fall season with its wonderfully rich colors: burnt oranges, rustic reds and harvest golds. So to make the most of this fall season, find out how you can bring the richness of the season into your home with everything from planning a fall party to preparing your home for the upcoming autumnal splendor.

How to Bring the Colors of Fall into Your Home
As I mentioned, my favorite things about fall are all the rich colors that accompany it. From rustic golds and burnt oranges, to sienna reds and deep purples, nature seems to be at her best - like a well-orchestrated season finale before the stark tones of winter descend. And you can bring such richness into your home with these easy-to-do decorating tips.
Search Related Topics:  fall  colors  accessories

Ideas & Decorations for a Fall Party
Just because summer is fading doesn't mean you have to put away your party favorites. In fact, fall is the perfect time to host a get-together with friends and family before all the craziness of the upcoming holiday season begins. This extensive guide to party decorating will inspire and help you create a cozy and inviting space.
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How to Make a Fall Wreath
I plan to add a splash of seasonal vibrancy to our home with a gorgeous wreath for our front door. My first thought was to buy one already assembled, but then I came across this step-by-step guide to creating a wreath decked in golds, reds and oranges that is easy to assemble and very budget-conscious. The perfect addition to welcome in the season.

5 Great Perennials for a Fall Flower Garden
While there are lots of trees on our street, some whose leaves will soon turn vibrant colors, our lone house seems to be lacking. So instead, I've opted to plant a fall garden thanks to the advice offered in this guide to creating a spectacular burst of fall colors in my front yard.


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วันพุธที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Plan Some Cool Weather Fun

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Even though most of us are still enjoying some warm days, the evenings and early mornings remind us that the cold weather is just around the corner. And with the cooler days comes time in front of the fire, when you can spend long evenings working on projects that you swore you'd finish last season. This week, we're providing some great ideas to keep you inside when it's cold outside, all the while adding wonderful touches to your home decor.

Domino Quilt Block Pattern
While I don't profess to be a quilter, there is nothing more beautiful and comforting than a quilt made by hand. My aunt and her cousins gave me one for my wedding and it's something I treasure and hang on our living room wall to remind me of the love and joy put into every stitch. This domino quilt block is the perfect pattern for beginners and experts alike and would make a great gift for a new bride or a new baby. It's that beautiful and versatile.

Easy Knitting Patterns
My knitting skills are a little more advanced than my quilting, but I still look for patterns that I can start in the fall and complete by Christmas. Just like these patterns - they'll help you make the perfect gift for all the people on your list, plus help perfect your needle skills.

Learn to Sew By Hand
My mother was an amazing hand sewer. She could stitch together a new dress in a matter of days and was forever darning socks and sewing on buttons with very little effort. I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't sew, not even buttons. But because I found this incredible guide to sewing by hand, I'm going to start doing my own stitching - and you can, too.

Wood Finishing Tips
We're in the middle of hosting family members and had to purchase a few extra dining chairs. Unfortunately, the wooden chairs that match our current set came unfinished. While I'm not known for my painting skills, I found finishing the chairs easier than I ever thought possible. These tips will help you decide not only what type of finish to use, but how to apply it with an expert hand.


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วันพุธที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Essential Guides to Your Pet's Good Health

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Growing up on a farm, I was always surrounded by animals, including cows, chickens and goats. I live in a city now, and have for the past 20 years, but I'm still welcomed home at the end of each day with a wagging tail and loud purrs. So, for those of you who live with non-human companions, we're providing essential care guides that will ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

Cat Care and Knowing When to Call the Vet
Most cat owners, including myself, struggle with when it's time to call the vet. With cats, their aloofness can simply be part of their personality, yet could also indicate something isn't quite right. This quick list of things to think about and consider before you call the vet will not only save you time and money, but an unnecessary car trip for kitty, too.

Pet First Aid for Puppies (and Dogs)
A friend's puppy fell into the backyard pool and if it hadn't been for her next door neighbor who knew how to revive him, they wouldn't have their beloved Baxter for over 10 years now. Check out this critical care guide for dog and puppy owners that may just help save your dog's life.
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A Complete Schedule of Horse and Pony Care
For all the equestrian lovers out there, you'll find that this detailed set of schedules is a must-have to track all the things you need to do. With daily, weekly and monthly task lists, you'll have what you need to care for your horse or pony all in one place.
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9 Tips And Tools For Home Dental Care
Ever since our cat, Bengal, was a kitten we've been brushing his teeth. He was born with bad gums and we could never seem to get his tartar under control. Our vet thinks that by brushing his teeth daily, we've probably saved ourselves thousands of dollars in dental bills. So, to keep the dentist at bay, check out this care guide that will walk you through everything you can do to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy.
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