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About Home: Spring Allergies, Ants & CFL Light Bulbs

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Now you're proabably wondering what allergies, ants and CFL bulbs have in common. Well, all three are things that our family is dealing with in our new home. But more importantly, they could be things we all need to reduce, get rid of or decide if they even are hazardous to our health. Fortunately, we have the guides to help us do just that.

How to Reduce Indoor Allergies
We've moved to a new home where my allergies have bloomed. I've been suffereing with red and itchy eyes and a stuffed up nose for weeks now and I've had enough. So I turned to this great article on how to reduce my indoor allergies without the need for antihistamines.
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How to Get Rid of Ants
This is another problem we're dealing with: ants. And a lot of them, too. I'm told they're always bad here, but I'm just not used to seeing them trail across our kitchen floor. So I read this guide and followed the instructions and now we're living ant-free. It was that easy.
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Are CFL Light Bulbs Bad for Your Health?
I've heard this rumor for a while now never knowing if there was any truth to it. And because we've replaced all our old bulbs with the new CFLs, I thought I should dig a little further to find out if there's any truth to what I heard. And now I know thanks to this indepth analysis of whether the bulbs are dangerous or not. Find out for yourself.

Natural Mosquito Control
While we're thinking of pests and possible health hazards, I think we should add mosquitoes to the list. After all, they not only cause an itchy welt to appear on our skin but they can also carry West Nile Virus - a nasty illness that's diffucult to treat. Find out how to control these pests so you can enjoy the great outdoors without worry.
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