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About Home: Get a Jump on Spring Cleaning

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
With spring a week away, it's time to start thinking about that yearly task known as spring cleaning. While most of us consider cleaning the drapes and beating the living room rug, there are other tasks that you might not be aware of, things that will dust away the winter cobwebs to make way for the summer sunshine.

Complete Spring Cleaning Checklist
I like lists. I like checking tasks off of lists. I like knowing that I'm organized and that things are getting done. I especially like lists if they're simple and easy to follow. Like this spring-cleaning checklist.
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Easy Spring Cleaning with Feng Shui
If even the thought of spring cleaning makes you long for the cold dreary days of winter, then you need a feng shui cure-all. Check out these tips for helping you through your spring cleaning checklist, stress-free.
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How To to Spring Clean the Closet
If you're home is like mine, then you know that there's at least one closet where extra stuff resides - closets you don't dare venture into without a plan of how to tackle the mess. Well, fear no more. With this handy guide to spring cleaning your closet, you'll be more than prepared to face the space.
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How to Clear Out the Clutter
While this guide to getting rid of clutter is focused on people moving house, the tips to deciding what to keep and what to throw, hosting a spring garage sale, and what to recycle and how, are the perfect remedy for anyone who has too much stuff.
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