วันพุธที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Easter Decorations, Scrapbooks and Bunnies

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Easter is in less than a week and I still need to put out the lawn decorations and find a way to entertain the kids that are coming over for an Easter party. Fortunately, the Home and Garden Guides have everything I need (and more) for the perfect Easter celebration. Whew!

Decorate Your Yard for Easter
I never used to decorate the front lawn for Easter. But ever since our neighbor, Dave, decided that he could out-Easter anybody on the street, we've come up with some innovative ways to say "Happy Easter" thanks to this great picture gallery. Look-out Dave!

Easter Scrapbook Fun
Easter is the perfect holiday for scrapbooking fun. Here you'll find all the designs needed to keep little ones entertained and big ones inspired. The only thing you need is your creativity and a little space and you have the perfect party pleaser.

Should You Give Your Child a Bunny for Easter?
Are you thinking about getting your child a bunny for Easter? While they're cute, cuddly and so very much in season, this article provides some good advice for parents and Easter gift giving.
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Easter and Springtime Hazards for Dogs and Cats
I should let you know that the Easter eggs my dog destroyed...er...found, were dyed naturally just in case he decided to swallow any shells or pieces. But Easter eggs aren't the only potential hazards, there's a whole list you should know about to keep your pet safe this spring.


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Jerry Baker Book:


วันพุธที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Happy First Day of Spring!

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
Spring makes its official launch today and as far as I'm concerned, it can't come soon enough. Where I live it hasn't been that bad, it's just that I'm tired of the long, dark days. I need a little color in my life to add a little spring in my step. And our Guides have the cure to do just that.

Spring Decorating on a Budget
This is the perfect guide for adding color and spring accents to your home, all within a manageable budget. I like that. Especially because I tend to go a little crazy in spring time, like wanting to paint the entire house green or yellow or Easter egg purple. This guide will keep me on track and on budget.
Search Related Topics:  spring decor  budget  seasonal decorating

Best Flowers for a Spring Garden
If you're living in an area where winter is pounding at your door, we have the best guide to spring blooms that will warm your heart and your home even if it's still snowy and cold outside.
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Fresh Look with Spring Colors
Last weekend I went shopping for the first time since Christmas and what I found was shocking: colors. And not just any color, but bright blues, fresh greens and sunny yellows. With the aid of this guide to bringing a little of that color into my home, my space now feels lighter and brighter.
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DIY Clay Pot Holder
Before you plan your summer patio, check out these free plans for building your own clay pot holder. Not only does it add a little interest to any outdoor spot, but it's the perfect place to let spring flowers bloom.
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วันพุธที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Get a Jump on Spring Cleaning

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
With spring a week away, it's time to start thinking about that yearly task known as spring cleaning. While most of us consider cleaning the drapes and beating the living room rug, there are other tasks that you might not be aware of, things that will dust away the winter cobwebs to make way for the summer sunshine.

Complete Spring Cleaning Checklist
I like lists. I like checking tasks off of lists. I like knowing that I'm organized and that things are getting done. I especially like lists if they're simple and easy to follow. Like this spring-cleaning checklist.
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Easy Spring Cleaning with Feng Shui
If even the thought of spring cleaning makes you long for the cold dreary days of winter, then you need a feng shui cure-all. Check out these tips for helping you through your spring cleaning checklist, stress-free.
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How To to Spring Clean the Closet
If you're home is like mine, then you know that there's at least one closet where extra stuff resides - closets you don't dare venture into without a plan of how to tackle the mess. Well, fear no more. With this handy guide to spring cleaning your closet, you'll be more than prepared to face the space.
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How to Clear Out the Clutter
While this guide to getting rid of clutter is focused on people moving house, the tips to deciding what to keep and what to throw, hosting a spring garage sale, and what to recycle and how, are the perfect remedy for anyone who has too much stuff.
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10 Easy Ways to Look Thinner
Don't wait until you've lost those first pounds to make these simple, slimming changes. Read more...>

Create a Shared Photo Stream
Sharing your photo stream with friends and family is a great way to keep in touch. Read more...>

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วันพุธที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

About Home: Shamrocks, Spring Break and Easter Collectibles

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
The arrival of March signals that spring is almost here and with it the start of all things green, including St. Patrick's Day festivities. It's also a time when parents and kids pack up for a spring get-away and leave behind the desks and books. And this year, Easter falls within the month and signals that yes, we're almost through winter. Find out how to celebrate the goodness of March with this week's newsletter.

Plan a St. Patrick's Day Party
St. Patrick's Day is a holiday meant to be celebrated whether it's eating green cake, marching in a green parade or having a green drink with friends. No matter how you like to celebrate, this guide to hosting the perfect party is the best place to start.

St. Patrick's Day Crafts and Activities
St. Patrick's Day isn't complete without some homemade shamrocks and leprechauns. This is the ultimate guide to kids crafts and activities that will keep little ones happy for hours and your home green and festive.
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Top 7 Tips to Slash Vacation Food Costs
If you're planning a spring break holiday and would like to take a vacation that won't leave you broke, check out these seven tips for saving money on food costs while on the road.

Easter Collectibles Signal Springtime
I'm excited that Easter is early this year and what better way to get a jump on the holiday then to display and read up on collectibles that remind us of celebrations past and those yet to come.


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