วันพุธที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

About Home: Tips for a Prosperous New Year

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
With a hard economic year behind us, most of us are looking forward to a more abundant 2013 whether that's in the form of a new job, a new home, or simply having our lives be a little more stable and secure. With the new year beginning today, we welcome it with open arms and provide these tips for ensuring the upcoming year brings you all you wish for and more. Happy New Year from all of us at About.com Home.

Top 11 Ways to Start Living a Frugal Life
As we move from the holiday season into the new year, we're often left with credit card bills that can take months to pay off. Personally, I always start the new year by stating that this year we'll be better with our budget. But before long, we slip back into old habits. This time I'm determined to keep a tight hold on our future goals and start living a more frugal life. And it starts here, with this informative guide to doing just that.
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How to Keep New Year's Resolutions
We're all guilty of not following through on our New Year's resolutions. In fact, I rarely keep even one. While trying to figure out why I constantly fail, and what I can do to ensure I succeed, I turned to our About Guides. Check out these tips to creating and achieving your resolutions so you can keep your goals and wishes for 2013.
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Stay Organized with a Daily Routine
I lack a daily routine and I swear if I had one, I'd find my entire life a whole lot easier to manage. With everything from what tasks to include to a task checklist, this guide to staying organized is by far the best tool I found to achieve just that.
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8 Green New Year Resolutions
Why not help both your pocketbook and the environment by adding these steps to a greener and healthier new year? Even if you adopt just one of these ideas, you'll find your life less complicated. My favourite? Line dry sheets and towels! While it seems simple enough, you'll find if you do, not only will your energy bills be lower, but your bedding will smell oh-so fresh.
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