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About House & Home: 25 Ways To Be a Cheaper Housekeeper

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  from Diane Schmidt
I never used to think about how much I spent on cleaning products until my sister remarked on the number of different kinds of spray bottles stashed in various cupboards around our house. I just thought having so many would somehow - magically - keep my house cleaner.

In the Spotlight
25 Ways To Be a Cheaper Housekeeper
Going through this informative list, I realize just how much time, energy and money I waste on cleaning the house. I also found out that some cleaning jobs can be avoided completely if only I can train some members of my family - who shall remain nameless - to remove their shoes when they come in the door.

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Save Money by Making Your Own Cleaners
Now, this is pretty cool. I can make my own cleaners for very little cost. Plus, it saves me the time required to dig out my reading glasses just to find out that the product has a zillion chemicals that I can't even pronounce.

Vinegar - the Miracle Laundry Product
Vinegar is your friend. That's what my mother used to tell me. She used it to clean everything, but I don't think she every thought of using it in the laundry where it can fight tough stains, odor and a whole lot more for just pennies a load. Amazing.

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