วันพุธที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

About Home: Last Minute Tips Before the School Bell Rings

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
It's really coming down to the wire: school is just days away and if you're like any busy parent, you may still be scrambling to get things ready. Or maybe you're ready - having bought the books, paper and pens - but are thinking you want to create a rich learning environment at home and aren't sure where to begin. Well, right here, of course, with our tips for starting the year off right.

Create the Perfect Study Environment for Your Child
My next door neighbor, who is seven, was telling me that he expects that he'll be given at least an hour of homework a night - something that was unheard of when I was his age. To install strong study habits while kids are still young, the place to start is with their study space at home. Find out how to create that perfect spot to inspire your child's learning.
See More About:  workstations  study zones 

Use Feng Shui To Encourage Learning
Speaking of encouraging learning, find out how to use Feng Shui to do just that. It's all about color, creativity and adding the right amount of inspiration to your child's room so they'll not only have a place to call their own, but one that will keep them interested and engaged.

Essential Back-to-School Gear
If you haven't quite made it to the school supply store or if you're still debating which backpack to buy, don't panic. This is the back-to-school guide that will keep your kids healthy and happy with supplies that are made for little hands and growing spines.

Back-to-School Activities and Crafts
School shouldn't always be about rules and bells and being quiet. If your kids are not looking forward to the school year, then why not host a craft fun day this weekend? Not only will it get kids excited about the first day, but they'll also have a chance to spend a free day creating one-of-a-kind crafts that will take their pens, pencils and school books from drab to fab!
See More About:  school crafts  educational crafts 


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Better pack your bathing suit -- here are our recommendations for the funnest, wettest, splashiest water parks around. Read more...>

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วันพุธที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

About Home: Get Ready for Fall Harvests

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
As we head into the last days of August, many of us are thinking about shorter days and cooler nights and the crispness of autumn. As our summer winds down so do our gardens which means fresh fruits and vegetables on the dinner table. To plan your fall harvest, check out these articles that will inspire you to get the most out of your home garden.

How Do You Know When to Pick?
While it might seem simple, knowing when to pick vegetables is a little more complex than you might've thought. Picking at the peak of ripeness will guarantee that your veggies taste sensational.

Canning and Preserving 101
Whether you've grown your own fruits and vegetables or purchased large baskets at your local farmer's market, canning is the way to go to preserve that summertime taste and freshness without compromising nutrition.
See More About:  dehydrating  recycling  pressure cooking

How to Plan a Fall Harvest
Just because our gardening season is drawing to a close doesn't mean you can't keep planting and picking well into the fall. That is, if you follow this guide to planning a fall harvest. With tips on what to plant, where and when, you'll be stocked with veggies all winter long.

Plant a New Vegetable Every Week
If you're into fall gardening but aren't sure about planting an entire new crop, check out this list of veggies that grow fast and easy in cool temps. Everything green and delicious will be dressing your dinner table with very little time and energy.


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How would you like to have access to a free online public library of books from around the world for kids 3 to 13? Read more...>

Best Water Parks
Better pack your bathing suit -- here are our recommendations for the funnest, wettest, splashiest water parks around. Read more...>

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วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

About Home: Our Exclusive Back-to-School Guide

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
It's that time of year when yellow buses are washed off, backpacks are mended and cleaned, and parents start making lists of things their kids need before the school bell rings. Check out our tips and suggestions for a smooth and pain-free preparation for going back to school.

10 Ways Get Organized for Back-to-School
One of the reasons why back-to-school is so stressful is often because we're not quite organized. Figuring out what you need to buy, what needs to be fixed and returning to evenings of making lunches and planning breakfasts can be a little overwhelming after a schedule-free summer. But it doesn't have to be if you follow these tips for organizing your back-to-school prep.
See More About:  tips  productivity  time management

Save Money on Back to School Supplies
The biggest expenditure every August is the purchasing of back-to-school supplies that can eat into a family's budget without too much trouble. That is unless you check out these tips for saving money at the office supply store.

6 Tips for Green and Cheap School Supplies
If we're talking about purchasing school supplies, then you should take a look at this list of ways to save money and the environment when roaming the aisles and trying to decide what your children really need. It's a great way to ensure your shopping trip is earth- and wallet-friendly.
See More About:  healthy living  green kids  green shopping

How to Wash a Backpack
How many of us bring out the old backpacks after their hibernation in the corner of the closet to find that they smell faintly of rotten food and gym socks, never mind that big stain on the front? If you're thinking that it's time to throw out the old and buy new, think again. Just apply these steps to washing and cleaning a backpack that will turn the old new again.
See More About:  fabric care  stain removal 


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Plant Now for a Fall Harvest


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Free Children's Books
How would you like to have access to a free online public library of books from around the world for kids 3 to 13? Read more...>

Best Water Parks
Better pack your bathing suit -- here are our recommendations for the funnest, wettest, splashiest water parks around. Read more...>

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วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

About Home: How to Beat the Summertime Heat

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From Diane Schmidt, your About Home Editor
It's August and it's hot. At least where I live. While we usually have relatively cool summers compared to Eastern dwellers, our temperatures here on the West Coast are beginning to rise, along with electricity bills and people's tempers. So this week we're looking at ways to keep your home cool and comfortable so you can enjoy the remaining weeks of summer.

5 Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Cool
Kitchens are always the hardest room in the house to keep cool regardless of how much or how little you cook. But just because they tend to be the hottest space, doesn't mean you can't host a dinner party or hang out with family and friends while whipping up a culinary delight. With these suggestions you'll be staying oh-so cool in the kitchen.
See More About:  cooling units  energy saving  appliances

Central Air Conditioner DIY
I swore I'd never give into a central air conditioner. That's only because we live so close to the Pacific Ocean where we see a lot of rain and cooler temperatures in the summer. But this year, we're all suffering under the intensity of the sun and heat. So, I'm investing some time into reading all about central air and the best place to start is right here.

Plant Some Trees
Trees are the perfect canopy of protection for your home, keeping it cool in the summer and allowing light through in the winter to ensure the sun reaches you when you need it most.
See More About:  selection guides  choosing trees 

How to Stay Cool in Your Apartment
Apartments are always tough to keep cool. Not only are you dealing with a space that you can't control such as installing an air conditioner or making sure the space is well insulated, but apartments often come with small windows and poor air circulation. So to keep your cool this summer, check out these heat-beating tips for apartment dwellers.


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Better pack your bathing suit -- here are our recommendations for the funnest, wettest, splashiest water parks around. Read more...>

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