วันพุธที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

About House & Home: Summer Road Trips Made Easy

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Across the US this long holiday weekend, families will be packing up their kids, dogs and favorite outdoor gear for the first official road trip of the season. If you're like me, road trips play a huge part in your summer fun, allowing us to spend endless hours locked in a small space together and giving us a chance to see the world, one mile at a time.

Summer Car Care Guide
Before you hit the road, you better hit your auto mechanic first. A well-maintained car will not only get you to your destination, and all points in between, but also save you money at the pumps. And with gas prices at an all-time high, that means more money in your pocket and less emissions in the air.

How to Get More MPG
Speaking of emissions and fuel efficiency, here's a list of some easy ways to save on high gas prices and reduce your emissions by increasing your miles per gallon. A win-win for everyone.
See More About:  saving gas 

Creative Travel Games
Traveling with kids can be both frustrating and a whole lot of fun. The fun comes when parents have enough games and entertainment to last the entire trip. My favorite from this list? A portable craft kit - perfect for the car, small laps and big imaginations.
See More About:  paper crafts  craft kits  puppets

Travel with Your Dog
We once spent three full days locked in a car with screaming kids and two large barking dogs. While I swore I'd never repeat that journey again, now that I've read this great article on traveling with dogs, I'm sure our nightmare trip could be turned into a more soothing and relaxing journey.
See More About:  dog boarding  pet sitters  dog health


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Backyard Chickens 101
Dabble in the self-sufficient, eco-friendly life with these essential chicken-raising tips. More>

24 Amazing Container Gardens
These gorgeous and creative gardens prove it doesn't take a lot of space to create something special. More>

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

About House & Home: May is the Best Month to...

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
May has to be one of my favorite months. Not only are the days longer, the sun brighter and the temperatures higher, but it's a month full of celebrations. Whether you're starting a garden, rejoicing because you're graduating, opening up the pool for the first time this year, or moving to a new home, city or town, there are lots of reasons to kick-up your winter-weary heels.

Start Your Container Vegetable Garden
I was just outside on our back deck, catching a few warm rays and pondering what to grow in all the outdoor containers. This year, I think we'll dedicate more space to vegetables. Potatoes, peas and even corn can grow from a bag, pot or really any container you have on hand. Just ask Kerry, your About Guide to Container Gardening. She has everything you need to grow veggies and more!

Celebrate a Grad with Great Gift Ideas
One of my nephews is graduating from high school soon. I asked him what he hopes for in the future. He thought about it for a minute before he told me he wanted an amazing sound system for his college dorm. Fair enough. At least it's a goal I can help him with thanks to this great list of grad gift ideas.

Open the Swimming Pool
This is my favorite thing about May - the opening of outdoor swimming pools. There is nothing more relaxing than the sound of kids splashing around in water while parents spend some much-needed time catching up on their reading (poolside, of course!). So don't waste one more minute - find out how to get your pool ready and your summer fun started.

Move to a New Home
May is moving month in the US and across the country people are packing up boxes. We've just started to plan for our next move. It won't happen for another year or so, but because we'll be moving across country borders, we need lots of time to organize and plan to ensure we don't forget the critical details. Like this list of tasks you need to do before moving day arrives.
See More About:  moving  movers  packing


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Backyard Chickens 101
Dabble in the self-sufficient, eco-friendly life with these essential chicken-raising tips. More>

24 Amazing Container Gardens
These gorgeous and creative gardens prove it doesn't take a lot of space to create something special. More>

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

About House & Home: Get Your Home Ready for Summer

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Winter seems to bring more stuff inside. Maybe it just feels that way because of all the heavy sweaters, blankets and down-filled jackets stuffed into the closets. Whatever the reason, it's time to make room for soft summer breezes and warm sunny spaces.

Easy Guide to Decluttering Your Entire Home
With summer just around the corner, and guests scheduled to visit, it's time to declutter your home. But if the task feels a little overwhelming, our About Guide to Personal Organizing has the perfect solution for every room in your home.

Spring Cleaning Your Laundry Routine
Laundry is something that I have a hard time getting a handle on. I think it's because we recently renovated the laundry area, but not to accommodate a better organized system. Nope. Our laundry room is now a holder for my husband's paddling equipment, which he refuses to keep in our garage. So I was glad to find this guide to spring cleaning our laundry routine that will lend a fresh perspective on a very old problem.
See More About:  laundry products  appliances  fabric care

Add More Interest to a Plain Room
I hate to admit it, but our master bedroom is (yawn) boring. It seems it's the last room to get any attention. So while I want a restful space, I'd like something a little more interesting, peaceful and unique. I was glad when I came across this great article on how to add some interest to a plain room.

De-Stink Your Stinky Dog
There's nothing worse than a stinky dog, especially after you've spent all that time and energy cleaning and decluttering every single room in your home. If your dog is a little too fragrant, check out this guide to de-stinking your four-legged friend.
See More About:  anal sac problem  scooting  stinky pets


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More from About.com

Backyard Chickens 101
Dabble in the self-sufficient, eco-friendly life with these essential chicken-raising tips. More>

24 Amazing Container Gardens
These gorgeous and creative gardens prove it doesn't take a lot of space to create something special. More>

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วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

About House & Home: Express Your Love with Unique Mother's Day Gifts

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Growing up, we often showed our love and appreciation of our mothers with unique gifts, ones that came directly from the heart regardless of whether we colored inside the lines or not. As we get older, it's often hard to think of unique gifts, ones that perfectly express how we feel. Fortunately, our About Guides to House & Home are here to offer their suggestions in this week's newsletter.

6 Super Cheap Mother's Day Gift Ideas
My mother always said that her favorite Mother's Day gifts were the ones we made by hand, carefully cutting out hearts and scribbling words of love in green crayon. Saying "I love you" doesn't need to come with a big price tag.

5 Mother's Day Scrapbooking Patterns
I love this idea. Take your memories of your mother and put them in a book, along with your thoughts, feelings and stories. Something for her to treasure - always.

Home Theater Gifts for Mom
I lost my mother quite a few years ago, but I still remember her squeal of joy when she opened the last Mother's Day gift I ever gave her - a new television. She said she was glad not to have to watch a pink, glowing newscaster anymore. So while you don't need to spend a lot, sometimes mothers need something a little extra special.

Top 4 Gardening Gloves for Gardening Moms
My mother was a gardener. But she was the practical kind - she'd rather dig potatoes than prune rose bushes. So she would have appreciated a good, sturdy pair of gardening gloves, ones that would protect her fingers as she once protected mine simply by holding my hand.


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More from About.com

Backyard Chickens 101
Dabble in the self-sufficient, eco-friendly life with these essential chicken-raising tips. More>

24 Amazing Container Gardens
These gorgeous and creative gardens prove it doesn't take a lot of space to create something special. More>

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