วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Host a Back-to-School Party

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Our next-door neighbor, Dave, thinks our street needs to get together to celebrate the approaching first day of school. Besides the fact that he's happy to see his five children back in the classroom, he says it's a great way for the neighborhood kids (and parents) to have a last summer party before the onslaught of homework, team practices and winter hibernation. I couldn't agree more.

Host a Back-to-School Party
While the adults celebrate the first day of school, some kids dread the thought of returning to the classroom. But getting friends together before the first bell rings is a fun way of reintroducing your kids - after a long summer break - to their social network.

Create a Homework Area
Before your kids get back to routine, it's a good idea to get them organized. One way is to create an area in your home dedicated to homework. Even if this illicit groans from little ones, you'll find that an inspiring space can help turn groans into grins come report card time.

Pack a Waste-Free School Lunch
While green isn't a color we associate with school lunches (unless it has to do with eggs and ham), we can all help the environment by taking some simple steps to packing a waste-free school (and office!) lunch.

Back to School for Your Dog
Kids aren't the only family members returning to school. Like my friend, who recently enrolled their beloved family dog in obedience school. And just like his kids, in order to succeed, my friend needs to ensure that his dog has the right supplies, has been enrolled in the right school and that both he and the dog are ready to work. Find out more.


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The minister, music and champagne are just the beginning -- why not get married aboard a helicopter or have a pirate swing in to deliver your rings? Arrrr! More>

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วันพุธที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Add a Splash of Color to Your Home

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Fall is a wonderful time to think about adding new color to your home. All those deep reds, burnt oranges and lush yellows - a way to bring a little taste of nature indoors with these great tips from our Home and Garden Guides.

Feng Shui Color Guide
If you're not sure which colors to use in what rooms, then check out this great guide to colors that will not only enhance your living space, but also your peace of mind.

House Paint Color Charts
The exterior of the house is a different story. While the interior feels a little more manageable, the outside often seems overwhelming. The good thing is, no one can see that you missed a spot or that places are a little uneven. However, color becomes key. Use this great chart to create the perfect exterior.

House Painting Rules
I tend not to read instructions. It's a terrible habit that has caused me more problems than I care to count. It's the reason why my husband won't let me near anything that requires a manual. But when it comes to painting rules, I suggest going by the book. It'll save you loads of money, time and your favorite sweater, too. Take it from me.

Add Colorful Candles
Now, if you're not up to painting your home, then why not add some colorful accents? Candles are the perfect solution to a tired look. They provide a splash of color during the day, then at night they really shine. And better yet? Make your own!


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Plan a Unique Vegas Wedding
The minister, music and champagne are just the beginning -- why not get married aboard a helicopter or have a pirate swing in to deliver your rings? Arrrr! More>

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วันพุธที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Rejuvenate Your Home

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Fall is a time for rejuvenation - not the spring-cleaning kind when you tend to declutter your home - but a time to make a fresh start with changes around the house. Like new colors, both inside and out, and revamping rooms and decor that have grown a little tired from the hot summer months.

Top 10 Painting Tips and Tricks
I'm a terrible painter. But just because I tend to get more paint on the floors than the walls doesn't mean I should give up just yet. Not after coming across this article on how to apply paint perfectly.

Give Your Home's Exterior a Facelift
The outside of our house looks pretty much the way I feel - limp and tired and burnt from the endless sun. So while I take some much-needed time out in the bath, I've given my husband this article on how to revamp our worn exterior - the house's, that is...

10 Components of a Beautiful Yard
The yard is the next thing on our fall rejuvenation list. While we should have tackled this in the spring, autumn is a perfect time to revamp our front yard and turn it into the envy of the neighborhood.

Give Your Home a Loft-Like Makeover
I love lofts. They're roomy and open and exude an air of city-chic and sophistication. But our house is far from loft-like. In fact, it's more barn-like. But this article inspired me to look beyond our house's structure to the decor - features I can definitely do something about.


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Plan a Unique Vegas Wedding
The minister, music and champagne are just the beginning -- why not get married aboard a helicopter or have a pirate swing in to deliver your rings? Arrrr! More>

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วันพุธที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: It's (Almost) Back-to-School Time

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
With just a month left of summer freedom, there's a lot to do to prepare kids for the upcoming year, including getting the latest school gear, purchasing just the right dorm room furniture and making sure your kids are organized and ready to be back in the classroom. Let the countdown begin.

Essential Back-to-School Gear
For me, going back to school means shopping for new backpacks, pencil cases and lunch boxes. But did you know that certain types of paper could cause unnecessary eye strain? Me either!

Get Your Kids Organized
My nephew is completely disorganized. To help him get organized, my sister thought it would be a good idea to have him come up with a reasonable schedule for the upcoming school year. Of course, the first thing my nephew scheduled was time-off for good behavior.

Back to School Laundry
Even though summer is usually the messiest month, what with ice cream drips, grass stains and fruit juice spills, school brings a whole new crop of stains that you never knew existed. Like the time my nephew used correction fluid to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex on his new pair of jeans.

Dorm Room Furniture Essentials
My first dorm room contained a bed, a lamp and a desk that looked like something I used in first grade. My roommate, who'd anticipated the antiquated furniture that comes with most college dorms, had brought with her all the things a freshman needs. Like furniture that holds together when you sit on it.


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Plan a Unique Vegas Wedding
The minister, music and champagne are just the beginning -- why not get married aboard a helicopter or have a pirate swing in to deliver your rings? Arrrr! More>

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